Balance and Heal your Life With Reiki
The Three Levels of Reiki Training
The ability to channel Reiki is traditionally broken into three levels. Each level has unique benefits that make channeling Reiki energy easier, and allows it to have a more positive impact on the subject. The following list decribes the three levels of Reiki training:

1st degree: Reiki I, or Shoden in Japanese.

Reiki I is the level that Reiki history, self-Reiki techniques, and methods of applying Reiki to others are taught. The student learns how to channel in the Universal Life Force Energy (an infinite source of energy) through the crown chakra, at the very top of the head, and out again, usually through the palms of the hands.
Students gain the ability to heal others, primarily on the physical level. Physical pain manifests where energetic stagnancy exists. After the first teaching, the student is able to release many energetic blockages in his or her own body, removing the stagnant energy from their own spiritual makeup. This heals the student of some of their own personal impasses and hence, their physical pain. The pain permanently disappears unless the stagnant energy is manifested once again.

2nd degree: Reiki II, or Okuden in Japanese.
Students learn how to use the first three Reiki symbols and how to perform distant Reiki techniques during the 2nd degree of Rieki. It also allows students to heal the emotional and mental aspects of the self. One main aspect of this level is the ability to channel Reiki beyond the boundaries of space and time. By being able to transcend space and time, healing ourselves and others of physical, mental and emotional traumas that occurred at any point in our existence becomes possible. Healing Reiki followers in the past often releases the agony that subjects aquire as a result of the initial traumatic experience, which tremendously helps with the healing process as a whole.

3rd degree: Reiki III, or Shinpiden in Japanese.
The third level of Reiki allows a student to reach maximum healing potential and to pass attunements. Basically, this level is about what it means to be a Reiki Master. Additional techniques are taught that benefit the practice of Reiki.

Excerpt from Book
"Reiki is an ancient healing method that provides therapeutic energy and helps balance auras and chakras, or our energy fields and energy centers. This creates conditions that are necessary for our body's healing systems to function properly. General health problems in the body and mind occur when the “Life Force Energy” flow is weakened or completely dismantled. Unhealthy life situations can cause an imbalance in this energy. These can include emotional trauma, physical abuse or injury, poor nutrition, depression, addictions, unhealthy relationships, or a plethora of other situations that often times can be beyond our control."
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